Friday, June 30, 2006

Slowly but surely

Just a quick one tonight

Every now and then I bump into someone and they say to me wow you have lost so much weight but I don't see it so I found some old photos of me I just don't see it ?

The old me.

and the new me .

I still don't see it but I have gone down two sizes in pants no longer in the triple figure sizes.

yeah for me


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Still in love?

Well after two days of holidays and spending the days at home with just one child I would say yes I'm still in love , In love with all this lounging around the house , In love with Nicole even more as Nic is at work bringing home the bacon ( so to speak that is ).

I don't know what it is lately but I cant stop thinking how great my life with Nicole has been, Sure we have had our ups and downs like every marriage but who doesn't have days like that? I have found the most beautiful person in Nicole. I'm still thinking it cant be real like a dream one day I will wake up and find it never really was, but I know it is real as I lay here on the floor more bloody tears streaming down just from thinking of her.

Can love consume someone's heart that much that just the thought of the person you love makes you cry? I say yes, is it a bad thing ? Well sometimes yes but mostly no. I cry, I smile , I laugh all at the same time just from a simple smile, a simple goodmorning, a simple see you later.

You fill my heart with your sunshine , radiance , your kind and forgiving heart , you always make room for me , you always make sure everyone else is ok before you care for yourself , this is one of the most endearing things about you.
All the stress , all the crap from me and the rest of the world you still make sure I'm ok , that they are ok, that we are ok a quick phone call here , a quick email there, a coffee , a chat you are always there.


Sunday, June 25, 2006


This is the most I've ever been in love and this will be the day that I remember for the rest of my life
Nicole I love you and I think you are the strongest person I have ever met.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am the luckiest person in the world just to be able to say that.
I will always be there to hold your hand whenever you want me to be.
I can not say to you or express just how lucky I really am to be able to wake up next to you and see your beautiful face, Nic I'm sorry if I've never been there for you in the past but today it was the bravest thing I've ever seen you do and for that I have so much more respect and love for you.

As you lay there asleep on the floor all wrapped up in blankets watching a movie with all of us you couldn't be anymore than the greatest thing to me/us. I will wake you soon and carry you to bed but for now i will just sit here and look at the best thing to happen to a lot of people for a while and cry happy tears and some sad ones

So Nicole again


Thursday, June 22, 2006


Just a quick one tonight as not much happening in the world of me. Worked my arse of today well not literally as I can still see it in my peripheral vision.

We meaning my work are downsizing a shop to save on a little bit of rent as the shop doesn't seem to warrant two shops of second hand furniture as it used to. I think that there are so many cheap imported pieces of furniture for not much more money, oh well so my job today was to fill the truck with as much of the crappy furniture as I could, my big boss was away so my medium boss said chuck as much as I can fit in the truck. Shit I started to run out of room pretty quick and I only just started, so I SMASHED the whole lot into smaller pieces and stacked and stacked it in till I nearly couldn't get the doors closed few.

The shop was nearly empty by the time I had finished doing that and I moved everything else into a shop half the size of the one it came out of it took till four to Finnish and by god I was stuffed, still am but I have just been down the street to get a haircut at my new fav hairdressers
Cobaarz eco salon.

If you haven't been yet well let me tell you for $30 dollars you get a great coffee a head massage or hand depends on what you like, they trim your hair then wash it then they go back and cut it some more oh sorry forgot to mention the massage chair while getting hair washed, I walked out of there thinking wow I'm so relaxed I could fall asleep .

Getting back to the title friends while I was doing everything today I couldnt get something out of my head. I heard thru the grape vine today that one of my friends was cross or upset with me because he thinks I don't trust him as he has done nothing wrong. It is not that you have done something wrong it is everytime I trust people I get really hurt nearly everytime , so it is hard to give my complete trust to anyone, it isn't you in fact I think I have given more trust to you than anyone in my entire life but sometimes I get that feeling back in my gut that says hey back off be careful you will get burnt again. I'm really trying to get rid of that feeling but it comes and goes so please bear with me I will get there ok. You have become one of my I dare not say it but you know what I mean

I will leave it at that for now and talk to you soon

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

To Veg Or Not To Veg

That is the question?

It has been one of those weeks were i have just wanted to veg out in my pj's and relax. Had a few drinks during the week which is abnormal for me as i normaly dont really drink that much , but it has been nice to relax and just unwind .
I really hit the drink hard on friday night it has been such a long time since i have drunk that much, I dont think half a bottle of bacardi and then something with vodka in it was such a good idea but i think i had a good night well thats my story anyway.

I do remember saying something to my friend accusing him of being something he is not. I do apologise for that i was just curious (drunk) but then again be what you want to be.
We will support you no matter what you are or want to do.

So lets move on from that and say wow what a beautiful week it has been so far cant wait for the weekend though going to stay over at some special friends house again weeee always have a good time there. A few drinks a few games just a general unwind its great so to the special ones see you soon.

Well best be off
cya soon

Monday, June 19, 2006

New Bowl

Well it was my lucky day today to find this new bowl, I've got a bit of a thing for bowls and plates, dishes and all that stuff. It has been really good this bowl as I have not had a place for my keys before, its great we all put our keys in it and we all know where they are now.

It sits near the door so now when I get home straight in the bowl they go no more losing my keys.
And the best thing is when I have visitors they too can put their keys in it, it doesn't matter if you get the wrong keys out hey were all friends it doesn't matter who's car you drive does it.
Nicole hates it so I don't think I will get to use it for long , oh well I liked it while it lasted.

Here's a photo of my new bowl anyway for now


Friday, June 16, 2006

Friday Night Games.

Well it's that time again FRIDAY yeah how come Fridays take twice as long to work through. I swear that Monday and Tuesday even Wednesday fly by without even knowing that they were there, but Thursday and Friday time seems to slow down the earth stops spinning and the clock takes about two hours to tick over two seconds.

It totally must be that I play cards and pool on a Friday night have for a while now here's a shot of the boys playing cards. I'm the lassie on the left the rest you can work out for yourselves....LOL

So every Friday we played pool for a long time I started to play at a friends house he has a huge slate table so big. Unfortunately he moved away well the hunt was on for a new venue no-one else had a table and by pure chance I got a phone call saying "hey I've got this pool table I need to get rid of"
Must have been a sign as I had it in the ute and at my house by that night.

It wasn't anything to write home about but it kept us entertained for a while but back to cards. I don't know really how we got to be playing poker but it just happened I think we all got sick of playing pool. We are all learning how to play but I think there are a few card sharks in the group as I cant seem to win at all but then again I could be a crap card player....LOL .

Better be off

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hobby at last

Well i think i finaly have found a hobby. Well for now anyway i cant get this idea out of my head i keep thinking of different things to right on undies ( i know mostly rude comments ) im obsessed now.
It is so easy to do thats what i like about screen printing things onto undies. Im not very artsy fartsy well maybe the fartsy part lol.........;)

I did these for Nicole ( thanks for modeling them ) she was rapped with them so much she wore them to work . So i HAD to make some for a certain friend who loves cool undies herself. Now im searching the net for logo's and comments to go on undies, i got so excited when i did them i thought that i would completely stuff it up but, I dont think i did when i get a little better at it im going to try layers of different colors and so on.

Tonight im going to place this on my undies ( in house joke ) i think it kind of suits me lol

Well better get back to searching oops i meant work lol


Monday, June 12, 2006

Somewhere under the rainbow?

Who in their right mind does not like rainbows?
Everytime i see one i smile and think of home.

I am so happy today as I have been thinking a lot lately of many many things, some good but a lot bad. I think last night it was it for me I had the strangest dreams that I discussed with Nicole this morning ( resident dream expert ) and she seems to think that dreams have a huge part in our lives. So we had a little chat about them and I wont go into detail as it would bore a lot of people but lets say I think it has lightened my load a lot.

So now I've got a new lease on a few things and I'm going to find out a lot more about myself, I've got a whole new world to explore and many a new friend to meet. It is going to take a while but I will find them all one day. Oh well so back to my beautiful family and remember this

There is no place like home........................

There is no place like home........................

There is no place like home........................

Saturday, June 10, 2006

What's in a name?

What's in a name ? Does a rose by any other name smell as sweet?

Sorry well I've been really confused lately ever since I posted Nicole's challenge. It annoys the shit out of me that my name is a lie. Nicole is more a Finlayson than I am!

I was born Nathan James Ammon my parents separated when I was very little, which you think that you don't care when such a young age but fuck it kills everyday not knowing who you really are. Or who you really should have been ? Would I have been a different person with a different name or would I have turned out the same way.
When my Dad left or asked to leave I don't really know ? My Mother moved us around a lot always moving. I've been to so many different towns and schools I wrote them down once, it looked terrible every year or six months a new school, new house, new town. I've very envious of my friends that I have now as they know people from when they were little and still talk to them. I've been in this town a while now and yes I have friends that I have known for a while now too but it would be nice to see the kids I went to school with .

But back to my name my Mother moved us around as I said before and hooked up with a few different partners. Which wasn't so bad it was nice to have some of them around. So she finally shacked up with a guy called Ron Finlayson hence the name. All of a sudden we moved again and now we had new names, it was horrible I didn't even know how to say the bloody name let alone know who I was. I kept on saying my old name for a very long time until I got yelled at saying "You cant use that bastards name anymore" "STOP IT" I was in grade three when this happened.

I grew up hating my dad I think I was brainwashed so I didn't ever want to use his name ,we didn't legally change our names we just accepted the new one!

For a long time I liked my new name then I found my dad 25 years later he was dyeing so I went and talked to him twice then he died, But before he died I had a chance to talk briefly to him about why he left and why he didn't see us or want to see us. He tried but couldn't find us hence all the moving around but I still think he could have tried harder if I couldn't see my kids because Nicole moved around I would still hunt and hunt for them. So I talked to my mum she went nuts all shit hit the fan not long after all this happened we fought and never spoken since. Don't get me wrong there is more to that story but this is about names.

So now here I am hating my dad's name and hating the name of my mums boyfriend. She took his name and now I have kids and a wife but they are legally Finlaysons and I am not.

I'm really stuck to which name should I be ?

Ammon or Finlayson?

HATE THEM BOTH.........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Proud Dad

I got a phone call before from Nicole saying that Alex's teacher told her this morning Alex is doing so well at school and that he is reading at a higher level than most of the other kids.
He is suppose to be on a certain level at this age he is a few levels higher than he should be.
So I'm just writing this down to say how proud of him I am and that I cant wait to hear him read tonight . I forget that he loves to read like I used to, I was forever with my head in a book so once again I'm SO PROUD OF YOU ALEX WELL DONE mate..!!!!!

Maybe that's why he looks like this now mmmmmmmmm
LOL. Just joking I just love this photo it is so him always goofing around but so serious at the same time .
Love you buddy


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Nicole's challenge

I was not born Nathan James Finlayson

And i hate that i cant go back to what i should be...:(


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What's The Difference?

I know I will be dropped like a hot potato from some peoples lists :( for this post but it is funny to me anyway.

I was having one of my deep and meaningful conversations with my son the other night all about star wars.
Well actually clone troopers and stormtroopers and what the difference is. He thought they were two different things I thought they were the same.
So hence the search began I looked high and low but couldn't find anything that told me what I wanted to hear. I went online and started asking around and a friend of mine didn't really know either but thought they were different. I was not satisfied I kept searching I don't know why but now I had to find out. Driving me mad finally found an article that said they are the same basically they had a name change.

Nicole was sitting close by and was calling me and my friend, who I was discussing the finer points of the Star Wars with, Losers Sci-fi geeks ,nerds and various other names and chuckling to herself. But then again to me scrap booking is the same so who is the bigger nerd hey......................!!!

Yeah I know me LOL but my friend and I were talking about other things as well like there are porn movies ( yeah I know that's all men talk about.... ;)...) that are based on STAR WARS.
I was in stiches I didn't realize they had done that! Wow the movie would have been so different if the storm troopers looked like this...........................

So I do know now what happened to them and now I want to see this dirty movie for a laugh anyway........;)


Monday, June 05, 2006

Canon 350D How to Turn it OFF!!

Well just a quick one for now this is just for those out there who are stupid morons like me.
This is where you turn the bloody camera off.
So there you go don't ever forget that or else.....

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Well its soon to be my sons seventh b'day in fact tomorrow, he is so excited to be turning seven what can I do now that I'm seven he keeps asking me. Can I play this, can I watch that its so funny nothing really changes just he is older he still looks the same as when he was two in my eyes anyway. I look at him and he is so tall and he reads and writes so well.

I must have missed five years somewhere, oh well got the next fifty I hope so no more little boy stuff well that's what he tells me "I'm not a kid you know dad" he said that to me today.He is so right to a degree anyway Alex you will always be my little boy no matter how old you get.

So preparations for his birthday are on there way I have just finished making yummy cupcakes
(yet to be iced ) Nicole has organized friends to come over after school and next weekend I think we are going out somewhere I hope it doesn't rain but hey its fun to play in the rain sometimes.

Sunday has come and gone again without much excitement until we got a phone call from nic's sister saying what do you want for tea YUMMY bakehouse pasta and garlic pizza our favorite. I'm having Fungi Fettucini, Nic has spaghetti Saltati and the kids spaghetti bol so I'm off in preparation to eat. MMMMMMMMMMM
cant wait


The Winner is ?

Well for anyone who was interested here is the mystery lighters mystery.......

A little bit rude but hey I didn't say it wasn't going to be nice.

The winner has been awarded there prize and I will autograph it for them in person as soon as they print it out........LOL........ ;)

so thanks for the guess's

and cya later

Friday, June 02, 2006

Lack of Interest

Just having one of those days again. Where you dont really give a shit about anything, Work , Home stuff , Friends, but dont get me wrong i love them all well mayby not the work one.
You just feel like there is nothing you can do to break out of this mood then all of a sudden you are happy again. You dont want anyone to come around and see you , dont care if they dont come but deep down you do care.
Tonight was like that i told Nicole that i didnt realy want to go and play pool just wanted to stay inside and chill in front of the heater. My friends turned up then all of a sudden im thinking hey what a great night im having, playing pool losing badly but doesnt matter so we started to play poker we are all still learning the rules but we get by. Played terrible didnt get many good hands but i was enjoying the night anyway so who cares if you lose its the fun of being together.

So im not to sure i think im over that whole mood now im sitting here chatting with a friend on line and couldnt be happier wife and kids asleep house quiet listening to music just peaceful. Enjoying it because i know it wont be like this tomorrow Nicole at Work and im at home with the kids. Should be a good day though Alex is getting his hair cut and we might go to the park or something depends on weather.

Might crawl off to bed now getting late i dont know if i should let everyone know what the lighter is really or wait till tomorrow night oh well might see what happens tomorrow.

ok cya

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Lighter of Mystery

So far no one has been close except G LOL. There have been some good guess's but still nothing close enough to call a winner, so I will post the answer tomorrow or the next night.
Dont forget the HUGE prize awaiting the winner ;)

Another Day Another Dollar

Well it was just one of those days when nothing really happens, Not many people around and raining all day makes for a shit day, so dusting and general cleaning was on the roster.
A few deliveries and that was it for me. Did wash the bosses car in between showers though well she doesn't like to get her hands dirty flash nails and all thet girly stuff. She gave me twenty bucks to do it so hey I didn't mind.

Now back to the lighter I didn't take my camera or laptop to work today so I didn't get a chance to get anymore photos of the lighters secrets but I will get them tomorrow. Oh yeah there is a prize too if you guess what the lighter really is you get to keep the lighter or a free hamburger picture autographed by me which ever you find more appealing ;) .

But I do have a photo of the Elvis rug, there has been a few comments on it so here is a better shot of it. Orders will be taken a cash deposit of Ten dollars secures your rug, must hurry though not many left. If you are one of the unlucky I do have a Marilyn Monroe rug, A Tutankhamen rug as well.

Well to get away from all that rubbish and into some more I've decided to go with my gut and do what I think is the right thing to do.

So ok that is really all that I've got to say today but I did go to my first C.O.W.S. R .B.A.D Meeting i saw the sign
and entered, i did the secret handshake and yes i was given a special non milk based beverage after that i felt i could face the world again and not live in fear of the bovine army that is growing everyday.

Ok cya for now