Monday, June 19, 2006

New Bowl

Well it was my lucky day today to find this new bowl, I've got a bit of a thing for bowls and plates, dishes and all that stuff. It has been really good this bowl as I have not had a place for my keys before, its great we all put our keys in it and we all know where they are now.

It sits near the door so now when I get home straight in the bowl they go no more losing my keys.
And the best thing is when I have visitors they too can put their keys in it, it doesn't matter if you get the wrong keys out hey were all friends it doesn't matter who's car you drive does it.
Nicole hates it so I don't think I will get to use it for long , oh well I liked it while it lasted.

Here's a photo of my new bowl anyway for now



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing. The most underestimated piece of pottery ever devised by man... It has so many functions. I hear that you can also put fruit in them.

11:00 PM  
Blogger Mrs Positive said...

Thats how wife swapping starts ROTFLMAO!

You may just get some interesting hits now from Google


Great idea... love the bowl


9:42 AM  

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