Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Another day Another Treasure

As the title said another day, it has been one of those weeks I'm afraid to say where nothing really happens, you go to work and it is just that work.
I like going to work don't get me wrong it is well I hate boring repetitive weeks that's all , if we have a busy week the next week is busy as well with deliveries and look ats. But I must say it has been alright I have been doing a few more look ats this week I love doing them.

Look ats are when I go to peoples houses and look at their furniture to buy off them, I'm in the second hand furniture game and new stuff too but I love secondhand furniture as it has character and it has a story.

Most of my house is full of secondhand things from chest of drawers to tools in the shed I've got some great bargains and a lot of free stuff too.

This is my fav piece I just love chests of draws. I rescued this from a lady in trafalgar she was going to America and was throwing it to the tip. It was covered in white paint about three or four layers. I gave it a sand and a scrub and now it has my CD's and DVD's in it and the stereo sits on top then I found out it was cedar yummy.

I also found this one in a skip at a lovely old lady's house it didn't have the mirror for it so she thought it worthless so in the bin it went.It makes a great pencil and paper holder for the kids stuff all their coloring pages go in there.Of course I sanded it back and restained it also did find an Edwardian overmantle in the same skip but that was sold a while ago like I said I like drawers.

Then I found these at auction and lets say they were a gift for the amount I paid for them. They were weird so I had to have them , they are step drawers you can use them as steps our kids love to sit on them and climb up and down.

This chest of drawers is not flash not very good but they would have to be the most valuable to me for they are the first chest of drawers I found and they are my sons. He has had them since he was born Nicole painted them all these beautiful colors and I don't think we will ever get rid of them never.

Then there are the drawers i had made they didn't follow the drawing I gave them but I still like them they hold all my clothes and bits and pieces and the cupboard beside it well I know I like drawers but this is kind of like drawers ( not really ) but I like it too..

Then there is the cane drawers full of toys and stuff each kids room has these .......

There are also drawers on nic's desk but you probly have already seen them.So if you are ever at a garage sale or the tip or auction anywhere and you see a nice set of drawers even if it needs a little loving let me know I will come and get or send me a photo so I can dream of a spot for them in my collection did I mention I love drawers and chests....LOL.....;)..

There was one more photo but I didn't find this in a bin or at the tip this one found me and I'm glad it did for I would never part with this for all the tea in china.



Blogger Nicole Finlayson said...

Wow what great taste in furniture you have. Amazing array of sentimental pieces. So impressive in this day and age of conformity. ;)

9:57 PM  
Blogger Mrs Positive said...

is that 2 posts about chests?

tee hee!

I have a thing for meat safes.. each to their own LOL!

Lib x

7:52 PM  

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